Take the first step to a straighter smile
I’m really pleased with the result. People who know me well now stop me mid sentence to say how much better my teeth look. As a teenager I had traintracks and in my early twenties my teeth started to move apart and outwards. I went to Grosvenor House for a consultation to see what options were available to improve them. Being a little older I was a bit self concious about having traditional braces and invisalign was a great alternative. It was faster too. I still wear a retainer at night time for now but my day time retainer treatment lasted less than a year.

As well as being a faster and less visible treatment than traditional braces, it was also much more comfortable than my experience of braces in the past. Although each new set of aligners is a bit sore for a day or so I only had one mouth ulcer during my treatment which went after a slight adjustment to my aligner. I didn’t have any other problems.

I have been really pleased with the results. Lots of people have complimented me on the changes. Other then those I told about it, nobody knew I was even wearing them! As far back as I can remember I have always felt extremely ashamed and very self conscious about the huge gaps in my teeth, especially as a teenager and during my early adult years. I used to avoid smiling, laughing in public and hated having photographs taken, as a result I had very low self esteem and lacked confidence in myself. When I saw the advert for Invisalign® I decided that this would be my chance to fix one area of my life that I was unhappy with.

After the consultation with Dr Tim Bamford I felt very excited and was absolutely sure that Invisalign® would be the ideal solution for me. I was also pleased to hear it would not involve years of painful treatment and would be invisible so people would not know that I was wearing braces. During the treatment I found Invisalign® extremely comfortable with no pain at all and, best of all I could remove them during mealtimes and for brushing. I was also pretty amazed at how quickly Invisalign® worked for me and many of my friends and colleagues did not even realised that I was wearing braces.

Since completing Invisalign® I now love smiling, laughing, having my photo and can’t stopped grinning in the mirror at my fabulous new ‘Hollywood’ smile. My friends and family are amazed at the difference it has made to my confidence and I feel as if I have been reborn a new woman. I would like to thank Dr Tim Bamford and Invisalign® who are truly experts in giving me the most fantastic new smile. Best thing I ever did for myself. It was a wonderful treatment, I feel much more confident now. Every two weeks I noticed a difference and felt more positive. It is likely to be sore for about 3 – 5 days each time the brace is adjusted. If necessary, painkillers such as the ones you would normally take for a headache may help (please read the instructions on the packet). If the brace rubs your lips or cheeks, you will be given some wax to help with this. The brace you are now wearing is fixed to the teeth for the whole of your treatment. You should not try to remove it, as you may damage you teeth & the treatment will not work. Yes you should be able to eat normally. However, for your orthodontic treatment to work well & in the shortest possible time it is important you take care of your teeth & brace. In order to prevent damage to both, you should:
* Avoid eating toffees, boiled sweets, sugared chewing gum, chocolate bars, etc.
* Avoid drinking fizzy drinks (including diet drinks) & excessive amounts of fruit juice.
* Take care eating hard foods which might damage the brace such as crunchy apples, crusty bread, etc. Cut them up first. If teeth are brushed correctly you need only brush your teeth twice a day, first thing in the morning & last thing at night. Remember, toothbrushing & tooth paste can be very abrasive & it is possible to over-do things. After meals, the best thing to do is rinse out with water. Conventional flossing is not possible, but there is such a thing as ‘super-floss’ which can be threaded directly between the teeth, under the arch wire. You will probably a lso be advised to use a fluoride mouthwash last thing at night, afte r tooth-brushing, to
further protect the teeth. Failure to keep your teeth & brace clean will lead to permanent scarring of your teeth. It usually takes 18- 24 months but will vary according to how severe your case is. Failed & cancelled appointments or repeated breakages of the brace will add to the overall treatment time. It may be necessary for you at some stage during the treatment, to wear headgear and/or elastics. Headgear is usually worn in the evenings & at night. Elastics are worn inside the mouth all the time, including mealtimes. Yes. Once the active phase of your treatment is complete, you must wear a retainer. This may be removable or fixed behind your front teeth. To be guaranteed of perfectly straight teeth for life, you will need to wear retainers for life. This varies according to what phase of treatment you are in. Usually between 8 – 12 weeks Yes. It will be important you still have check-ups with your regular dentist throughout orthodontic treatment so that your teeth can be checked for decay. It is recommended you wear a gumshield. This will also be the case if you enjoy riding a bicycle, roller-skating, or skateboarding. You will be advised about this. If you play a wind instrument, you may find some initial difficulty forming your lips. In our experience, this is only temporary & can be easily adapted to.
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