Take the first step to a straighter smile
You needn’t worry about how you brace will look to your friends & family. They will all be interested to see your new brace just like you did. But like you they will soon get used to it & it will become part of your familiar features quickly. If you are really worried about this, talk to your orthodontist about Invisalign® clear brace system that is now available at many of our practices. Yes in most cases orthodontic treatment using Invisalign® can be completed more quickly Some patients may not be suitable for Invisalign® treatment; your orthodontist will advise you during your initial appointment Yes we usually advise patients to wear a retainer for about a year following completion of treatment. This helps to ensure the teeth do not drift back into their original position Occasionally you may experience a slightly uncomfortable sensation when you change one set of aligners for the next in the series. This feeling disappears, usually after a day or so as your teeth become accustomed to the new aligner. Yes – it is important to continue to attend your normal appointments as the orthodontist is treating a specific condition & not your general oral health. It’s even more important to have a good oral health regime during treatment & we provide an oral hygiene pack & instruction to all private patients. Some patients do occasionally feel slight discomfort following the fitting of their brace but this usually passes quickly. We can usually carry out minor adjustments & repairs whilst you wait. Yes we do. Many patients feel self conscious & embarrassed about their teeth & are delighted once treatment has been completed. This all depends upon the severity of each case, but your orthodontist will be able to advise you at the time of assessment. We now have a fully qualified Orthodontic Therapist, Alison Burns, who works alongside Tim. Alison who qualified in August 2011, is a well-established member of the Grosvenor House team & already well known to many of our patients. Her appointment has helped ensure that we do not have a waiting list to see new patients & commence treatment. Together Tim & Alison will be able to maintain the high clinical standard we have established whilst streamlining & improving the service to our patients.

Alison is relishing her new role combining great enthusiasm with excellent manual dexterity & good hand-eye coordination. As a mother of two teenage boys she is in the unique position of being able to relate to the young patients while also empathising with the parents. We have recently appointed a dedicated Patient Care Co-ordinator, Pip Goldsmith. The Co-ordinator’s role is to spend time with patients, listening to their needs & concerns, answering any questions they may have relating to their treatment & discussing all the possible treatment options. Pip who has been part of the Grosvenor House team for ten years, is also a fully qualified dental nurse & able to offer oral hygiene advice to patients to help them to maintain their dental health during treatment. We have received positive feedback from patients who have met with Pip. The Grosvenor House team donned wigs & held patient competitions to raise funds supporting Red Nose Day. Thank you to all the patients who contributed over the two days. We raised over £90. The practice team are constantly looking for ways to develop even better service levels for our patients whilst visiting the practice & to help us achieve this Alison Burns has recently embarked on the Warwick University Orthodontic Therapist course. Alison is already a well-established member of the Grosvenor House team & therefore well known to many of our patients. This is an extremely exciting development for Alison & the practice & we hope it will help shorten our treatment times even further when she qualifies later in the summer.
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